About Us

Hello, and thank you for visiting our website! My name is Chad Fox and Treasure Detection has been a longtime goal of mine, to create and document my experiences in the world of treasure hunting.

I have over 20 years of experience with many facets of treasure hunting and I’m hoping this website can help people find their way into this exciting hobby. I have teamed up with my better half, Angela, to bring you reliable information from myself and other experts in the field of treasure hunting.

Who Are We

Here is a little bit of history as to how we came into treasure hunting. I guess you could say, for me, it all started with my Grandfather, Curtis Keeton.

He was an avid metal detectorist, who would hunt beaches, historical sites, and private permissions for old coins, relics, and anything he could find that was interesting.

He taught me how to use a metal detector, how to find historical sites, and what it meant to be a treasure hunter. Together, over the years, we found some pretty amazing things in the ground and created plenty of great memories together.

Unfortunately, Curtis passed away, but the love for treasure hunting continued. Angela, started her treasure hunting journey before we met, with Geocaching. I had heard about this hobby and when we got together we teamed up to become lifelong members of the geocaching community.

A few years ago I discovered magnet fishing and decided to add it to my treasure hunting belt. I have found a few interesting items and a ton of scrap. The best part about magnet fishing is the fact that you get to clean up bodies of water that are full of junk that doesn’t belong there. The cool stuff I find while magnet fishing is just a cherry on top.

I have also been rockhounding, mudlarking, and prospecting for many years. Treasure hunting has provided me with many great friends, great finds, and every year that I get to hunt for lost treasure is a great year in my books.

What is Our Mission

At Treasure Detection, our mission is to create reliable information on different types of treasure hunting. We wish to share our expertise and to teach people how to get out there find the good stuff.

We also love to promote spending time with family members. Just like with my grandfather, I spend time with my brother, my mom, my dad, and other friends and family, looking for treasure and having a good time.

My Metal Detecting History

My metal detecting history goes back 20 years to when I started hunting beaches with my grandfather. We spent many summers out in the heat, getting sand in all our clothes. Back then I was excited to find rare coins and treasures, however, I see now, that the real experience, was spending time with a great man.

He taught me many things about life and lessons that could only be learned from experience. I’ve had many metal detectors over the years, but I will still pull out his old machine and find just as much cool stuff as with the newer machines.

Our History with Geocaching

I had heard about geocaching when it first started. It sounded like a cool hobby to get into. With GPS technology being released to the public, we could now follow each other across the globe to find treasures and share experiences.

Fast forward to 3 years ago, when Angela and I got together. She reintroduced the hobby to me and we have been loving every second that we get to spend together, finding caches, signing logs, and trading SWAG!

I love how challenging some of the caches are. The mystery caches are my favorite, with earth caches coming in second. I love learning new things about the environment, solving puzzles, and finding things that are hidden.

My Magnet Fishing History

Magnet fishing is a hobby I picked up a few years ago. At first, I only found junk, and it made me a little bit irritated. Until I thought about how much junk I am removing from the water.

Since then I have found some cool things, like civil war era relics, bikes, and even weapons. However, it’s the fact that I can do my part in cleaning up the planet that really makes me feel proud. That trumps all the treasure in the world, for me at least.

Final Thoughts

Over the last 20 years, I have become a treasure hunting expert, and now I want to pass some of that experience onto others. This site is my way of passing the flame onto the next generation of treasure hunters, like my grandfather did with me. I hope you enjoy the site and benefit from the knowledge for years to come!